Project 2: Investigating NEGR1 as a novel target for the treatment of depression


NEGR1 is one of the most significant risk genes for the development of major depressive disorder, pointing to brain expression upregulation as the mechanism underlying it’s genetic association.

Project Plan

The researchers will apply a combination of human genomics, cellular physiology, and neurobehavioral genetics investigations aimed at characterizing gene expression in the human brain and the effects of a fine modulation of gene expression at cellular and behavioral level.

Expected Outcomes

This project will provide an understanding of the molecular, cellular, functional and behavioural consequences of NEGR1 modulation and identify the molecular pathways modulated by NEGR1.


The results will help to define a pharmacological approach to interfere with the target activity, paving the way for drug development efforts in the search for new therapies for major depression.

To read more about this project, read our press release >

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